Oct 2, 2009

2 New BBC '09 Collection.

For the new Fall and Winter collection, the Billionaire Boys Club is releasing pure crack for the upcoming seasons. The new line is releasing this weekend at the Ice Cream store in Tokyo. The collection will include BBC New Era hats, GORE-TEX pieces and BBC shoes. The New Era hats will be released tomorrow (Oct. 3rd) and the GORE-TEX line will be released Sunday (Oct. 4th). The line is unique to me, and the hats are simple but yet cool.
Kind of makes me think of F.A.D.E.D in a way, just doing us.




  1. F.A.D.E.D. - On some FLYSHYT. The page and info is on point. Thank you for the comment on the Flyshyt Blog

  2. Good looks, and mad respect to your blog!!


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