Fresh All Day Every Day
We don't follow trends
We don't set trends
We just do us
And that's why we F.A.D.E.D.
Beginning as just a term that described a sense of style, F.A.D.E.D. has become not only a popular acronym, but also a new blog that updates you on new clothes, shoes, music, release dates and hot topics.
The developers of the Fresh.All.Day.Every.Day. are Alex Collins and Byron Parker, but the F.A.D.E.D. team also includes a staff that keeps F.A.D.E.D. up to par. Originating in Auburn Hills, Michigan in June 2009, F.A.D.E.D. is focused on delivering information not just within the U.S., but global. In no way does F.A.D.E.D. look to be biased towards any crowd...we encourage everybody to be apart of F.A.D.E.D. Nation.
This is not just a movement, it is a way of life.
Read up on the philosophy...
Welcome to F.A.D.E.D....the site that is dedicated to keepin' you fresh..all day and everyday. And when we say you, we dont mean the general public including those who are reading this and think that they qualify as an individual who is F.A.D.E.D. It takes some more than just them new J's that everybody else went to cop to be considered F.A.D.E.D... or some bright ass neon colors that you think attracts ppls eyes because "Kid Cudi can do it, so I know i can too." Naaaahhh, it don't work like that. It requires a swagger, a sense of style and a mentality of "fuck it, ill jus throw on these hoop shorts, this thermal and these slippers, and I'm still bouta be crisp out here!"
Confused about our philosophy?
It jus means ur dont belong in this group... Holla!

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