Since then he's been on his grind, and hard work pays off because the sky has been the limit for the M.C. Ro Spit has opened a well known business with his partner Rick Williams called Burn Rubber. Later this year the rapper/entrepreneur/DJ will be dropping his new mixtape. As of right now Ro Spit is looking for some help on his album cover. For more information on that you can go to http://www.burnrubberdetroit.com/ or http://www.rospit.com/.
The Burn Rubber family is what I hope F.A.D.E.D can possibly be one day. For more information on the "Artist of the Week" you should follow him on Twitter @OhShitRoSpit, the BR website http://www.burnrubberdetroit.com/ or the BR e-mail ro@burnrubberdetroit.com. Below is the M.C.'s music video "Leave Me Alone", which is also on the radio. It's on WJLB so when you hear it text 77979 and let them knoe that you want to hear "Leave Me Alone" by Octane in rotation...even if your not in Michigan.
Remain F.A.D.E.D, and I hope you enjoyed the first installment in the Artist of the Week!
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