Sep 15, 2009

1 Kanye Apologizes - Will His Career Be The Same?

The aftermath of Kanye's VMA stunt has been haunting him and his career...and it's only been two days since the incident.  But Mr. West doesn't want this situation to hold him down from his fans who have seemed to display mixed reactions to his debacle.  Kanye has sent out several apologies online and it has even been rumored that he is doing a song with Taylor Swift to make up for what he did. 
Many believe he can't make up for this one.
Below, we have video of Kanye on the Jay Leno show a day after the VMA's, showing his regret, sympathy and apologies. 

Take a look, and let us know whether you feel Kanye's career will ever be the same after this...

Remain F.A.D.E.D.

...if you didn't get a chance to see the VMA video, click here


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