Aug 9, 2009

0 Throwback of the Week!

First up on the Throwback of the Week list we have the classic jerseys. You remember back in the day when everyone and they mama was rocking a throwback jersey? I sure do, this is just one of the many pictures that could of went on this week. There's to many jerseys to have all the pictures of course, here's just a taste of the past with the Michael Jordan Bullets jersey.

Next up we have a classic music video, Dilated Peoples ft. Kanye West with This Way. Kanye was snappin personally if you ask me. In the video you have DJ Babu, and Rakaa mixing these two and Kayne was a great idea.

Finally for the Throwback of the week we have Platinum FUBU. When FUBU started to die down they added a classic character in the mix. Fat Albert from the Cosby Kids. This turn FUBU around for the good for a while. Every direction you looked you saw his face, whether on someones shirt or but.



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